
Oil prices, trends and cycles.

Commodities, Données de Panel, Exchange Rate, Geopolitics, Géopolitique, Matières premières, Oil price, Panel Data, Prix du pétrole, Séries temporelles, Taux de change, Time Series

On the links between capital flows and monetary policies.

Adaptive learning, Apprentissage adaptatif, Banque centrale, Carry trades, Central bank, Exchange rate, Interest rate, Investissement sur devises, Taux d'intérêt, Taux de change

Reforms and the Real Exchange Rate: The Role of Pricing-to-Market.

Endogenous firm entry, Endogenous markups, Exchange rate, Fiscal reform, Pricing-to-market, Product market deregulation

Reforms and the real exchange rate: The role of pricing-to-market.

Endogenous Markups, Endogenous firm entry, Exchange rate, Fiscal reform, Pricing-to-market, Product market deregulation

Global imbalances and adjustments: a coherent multinational stock-flow model.

Croissance économique, Déséquilibres globaux, Economic growth, Exchange rate, Global imbalances, Modèle stock-flux, Stock-flow model, Taux de change

Impact of Monetary Regime and Exchange Rates on ASEAN Economic Integration.

ACU, Current account, Exchange rate, Misalignments

Fractional cointegration and co-movements in international financial markets.

Analyse fréquentielle, Cointegration, Cointégration, Exchange rate, Fractional integration, Frequency domain analysis, Intégration fractionnaire, Intégration monétaire, Long memory, Monetary integration, Mémoire longue, Système déséquilibré, Taux de change, Unbalanced system, Volatility, Volatilité

Exchange Rate Misalignments and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Croissance Économique, Economic Growth, Exchange Rate, Heterogeneous Panels, Misalignments, Mésalignements, Panels hétérogènes, Taux de Change